Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs) Series

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Crane TP 410 History question 2010-11-09
L/D = Length/Diameter ratio (equivalent pipe length)So if you have a 1" gate valve with and L/D = 8that 1" gate valve is equal to having 8" of straight 1" pipe when doing pressure drop calculations an
Need a valve that can handle pressure on the outlet . . . 2010-11-09
I've been doing web searches for quite some time trying to find a solenoid valve capable of sealing off liquid flow even if a large differential pressure exists between the outlet and the inlet or vic
Reservoir drainage valve actuator pressure requirements 2010-11-09
I am selecting a butterfly valve to be installed on a submerged pipe intake at the bottom of a reservoir, and need to determine the upstream and downstream pressures of the valve so the actuator torqu
Fisher V200 V-Port Ball Valve Substitute? 2010-11-09
I've have selected a 1" and 3" Fisher V-Port Ball Valve 600#, with pneumatic actuation and 4-20ma positioner.
High dp across ball valve 2010-11-08
if there is high dp across the ball valve, will i have difficulties in opening the valve manually? some say yes..some say no....
Does anybody know the top working temperature of nodular cast iron GGG-40 for bodies & discs in valves ?
Steam Turbine Valve Time Constant 2010-11-08
I need to find the time constant of the valves that control the steam. So this is the time taken for the valves to go from fully closed position to 63% open position.
How would you call such a valve? 2010-11-08
I need your experience for a very small problem...How do you call a ball valve whose passage is smaller at the outlet than it is at the inlet?