Butterfly type control valve wrongly inserted
A large butterfly type control valve in a fuel-gas line has been installed in the wrong flow direction. Now, it will be difficult to extract the valve from the pipeline and turn it around because structures in the vicinity have to be dismantled first.However, the pipeline is not yet 'charged' and we will do the job if it is absolutely required.The butterfly valve is clearance type with 60 degree opening provision(the flow will never be shut completely in the running plant, so minor leakage will not be a problem).Will you guys let me know whether the control valve will still work as installed now? What type of butterfly valve is it - for example is it a triple offset type ?The valve may not have anything like the intended flow characteristic and operating torque values installed backwards if it has an offset disc (likely given the preferred flow direction). I would recommend that at a minimum you consult the manufacturer and obtain their feedback on how it will perform relative to the original specifications (e.g., the data sheet). However, if it were me, I'd fix it.Note: Operating torque for offset discs as a function of valve position are substantially different based on flow direction to the point where the torque can in fact be acting in a completely different direction. Pressure drop can be different as well but this effect is probably not as significant as the operating torque issue.