Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs) Series

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Pressure reducing valve


There are a couple of things I can think of:
1 - You could use "pressure regulating" valves, not pressure reducing valves.  These basically throttle the flow.  I have seen these used in systems where the pressures exceed 100 psi.  That would save you the hassle of factory or field set pressure reducing valves
2 - These small hose stations need to be supplied by an adjacent system or separately valved on the riser.  Therefore, you are only added the supply to the the "bigger pipe" on the job.  So, it "shouldn't" really impact the underground or riser sizes, unless you are calc'd pretty tight.  I have just added 50 gpm for each station in / near my design area.  So, basically, I may have an extra 50 - 100 gpm that is added at the base of riser or in the underground line.  We then add the additional hose allowance to get to 250 gpm for an ESFR system.


  • Reducing to lower pressures
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