Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs) Series

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Self-regulative valves



Self-regulative valves
Self-regulative valves


ZZYP type self-pressure regulative Valve is a valve that without any external energy, using controlled media energy as power source, introduce the implement diaphragm to produce thrust, control the throttle components movement to achieve the automatic regulation. It has the comprehensive functions of measurement, implementation, control. It can be used in no gas, no electricity places, and widely used for automatic control in petroleum, chemical, power station, light industry, printing and dyeing industry self-control system of various equipment gases, liquids and steam medium pressure deceleration and regulation (regulating pressure after the valve), pressure relief and regulation (regulating pressure before the valve). According to the users different working conditions, we can choose different valve core structure type and different actuator, in order to achieve the best control effect. product model

Dimensions & constructral diagram

Self-regulative valve constructral diagram
Self-regulative valve constructral diagram
category model category model
single seat press closed type ZZYP-16