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The system condensate water-pressure reducing valves


In the process of writing this article, peer-raised pressure REDUCING VALVE in its own working process heating whether will produce the condensated water? Raise this issue makes us consider whether internal REDUCING VALVE would precipitate condensate water problem? Therefore, it is necessary to understand the the thermal status in reducing valve working process. In order to visually illustrate the problem, analyzing lgp-i to see the pressure reduced circumstances, the all related state parameters change circumstance, there will be an answer.
Suppose the upstream inlet pressure is (before valve) p1, the downstream outlet pressure is p2, p1 and dry saturated steam line intersect at o1 along isenthalp down. Downstream outlet pressure p2 intersects isenthalp at o2, when the pressure decreased from p1 to p2, the other relevant parameters also take place corresponding changes.
As seen from Figure 3, the pressure fell to p2 from p1 along the isenthalp, so there is no change in enthalpy, but the entropy rises from s1 to s2, specific volume also increases from v1 to v2, but the temperature dropped from t1 to t2.
From this, the flow state of steam through the REDUCING VALVE, it should be considered to be adiabatic throttling process. This adiabatic throttling process is irreversible adiabatic expansion isoenthalpy flow process. After the steam throttling, the enthalpy value is unchangeed, specific volume and entropy increase, the temperature decreases slightly. After the steam through the valve, will not produce condensate water, and steam dryness has also been improved, can be said that the production of condensate water is from the system, and is unique. In this way, the measuring methods for the prevention and reduction of condensate water entering into the valve also become simple.

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